Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Bows!!!

4th of JULY bows!!!

Little Fire Cracker bows with polka dots!
 Little Fire Cracker with Stripe!
$6.00 for pig tale set
$4.00 for 1


These are my smallest bows yet. 
 I love big but these are pretty darn cute!

Monday, May 2, 2011

New bows

Pink Polka with Large rinestone center
Pig Tale set
Birthday Girl Piggies

This pic is hard to see, bottom layer is all colored polka dots. 
 Top layer is cupcakes with candles and sprinkles. 
Pink, green, yellow, and purple layers in between.
Large rinestone centers

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

St. Patricks Day Bows!

 Here is my little princess modeling the new

St. Patricks Day bows!

St. Patties

Easter/Spring Bows!

These bows give me a serious case of SPRING FEVER just looking at them!
Lemon Grass with flowers
$6.00 pig tale set
Spring Chicks
Easter Bunny
$4.00 or 6.00 for pig tale set
 Large Easter Egg bow with curls
 Small Easter Egg
Easter Bunny bow
Easter Egg
 Since it's hard to see the layers and what the bows really look like here is a side view.
Easter Egg Bow  (Darling as Pig Tale set)
$4.00 or $6.00 for set

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Twisted Flowers

I was able to use the most adorable little model to show off some new head bands.
Thanks Maecie!

Red and Black
 Brown and Yellow
 Brown and Creme
 Black and White with Pearl
 Green, Brown, Creme
Black and Gray
 Hot Pink with brights
 Black and Yellow
Red and Cream
Pink, Teal, and Brown